We are holding an open day on Thursday 5th September @ 10am and 4pm. Please feel free to come and look around!

Religious Education

Religious Education at St Paul's
At St Paul’s,  we use the published scheme Come and See as a resource to teach the curriculum. Come and See is a Catholic Primary Religious Programme for Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors. It is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory.  It is structured in a way that supports the understanding in the Catholic Catechism which addresses the search for meaning in life, God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond.
Here are some examples of our RE learning across the school: